Stunning Dog Photography #36 The Hounds Of The Royal Family

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It’s always so much fun putting together the Stunning Dog Photography post using photos sent to us from the Dog Files Community. Keep those stunning photos coming and I hope to do more and more posts featuring your very own hounds!

I thought this would be a great week to showcase England’s Royal Family and their longtime love of hounds. Enjoy!

Looty first Pekingese in Britain

Looty, the first Pekingese dog in Britain, brought by Captain Dunne, 99th Regiment, from Yuanming Yuan, the Summer Palace near Beijing, as a gift for Queen Victoria in April 1861 (above).

Queen Victoria and Sharp.

Queen Victoria and Sharp 1866 (above).

Queen Victoria with Turi

Queen Victoria in her carriage with her Pomeranian, Turi, late 1890s (above).

Princess of Wales with Alex

The Princess of Wales (later Queen Alexandra) with Alex, her Borzoi dog 1890s (above).

The Duke of York holding a pug.

The Duke of York holding a pug 1895 (above).

King Edward VII with Caesar

King Edward VII with his terrier Caesar, 1908 (above).

Caesar outlived the King

Funeral Procession of King Edward VII, with Caesar, the King’s dog following his casket in 1910 (above).

The Duchess of York and Princess Elizabeth

The Duchess of York (later Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother) and Princess Elizabeth (now The Queen), photographed at Glamis Castle in Scotland by The Duke of York (later King George VI) in 1930 (above).

Princess Margaret

Princess Margaret, photographed by her father (The Duke of York) surrounded by dogs on the steps at Birkhall in Deeside, Scotland, in 1933.

The Duke and Duchess of York

The Duke and Duchess of York with Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret at Y Bwthyn Bach, Windsor, with their dogs in 1936 (above).

Princess Elizabeth and Dookie

Princess Elizabeth comforts Dookie her corgi, at 145 Piccadilly, London in 1936 (above).

King George VI

King George VI with one of his corgis in 1948 (above).

The Queen with Susan

HM The Queen with Susan, her corgi in 1952 (above).

The Queen at Heathrow

HM The Queen collects her corgis at Heathrow Airport in 1984 (above).

All photos are from The Royal Collection © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Check out Stunning Dog Photography #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27 and #28.

Watch the video below to learn how to take better photos of your dogs!

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13 years ago

I could see them with a laid-back Basset Hound, just loafing around the flat, watching the telly…

13 years ago

One of the very few photos I have ever seen where Queen Elizabeth looked overjoyed and truly full of honest emotion….greeting her beloved Corgi’s at the airport. What a priceless photo. Shows you that the love connection between us and and our furry babies runs deeper than words can ever express. This was a great collection of photos Kenn.

13 years ago

One of the very few photos I have ever seen where Queen Elizabeth looked overjoyed and truly full of honest emotion….greeting her beloved Corgi’s at the airport. What a priceless photo. Shows you that the love connection between us and and our furry babies runs deeper than words can ever express. This was a great collection of photos Kenn.

Claire O'Kane
Claire O'Kane
13 years ago

Iam posting a short description and photo of my dog ‘MURPHY’ HE IS 3& ONE HALF YRS OLD good natured mild mannered a great dog whom we love dearly

12 years ago

Wow, that shot with all the dogs on the steps is masterly. To think it’s a home-made job (well, by a royal, but still)!

And I love the one with Queen Vic and Sharp. That dog is in love with her!

Dookie being hugged is not a happy bunny, hey.

Great idea to post these here!


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