5 Tips When Caring for a Pitbull
Pitbulls are famous for their energy and strength and are well-regarded by true-blue Pitbull-lovers for their unique character and disposition as well as an athletic and chiseled body.
Are Cosmetic Companies Still Testing On Animals?
There has been a lot of talk in recent years about cosmetic companies testing their products on animals again. Ground zero was a post back in 2012 by PeTA that you can read here. While Dog Files is not an advocate of PeTA, their work over three decades earlier to stop makeup companies from testing […]
My Dog Celebrated His Thirteenth Birthday And I’m Sad
A Birthday is supposed to be fun, right? When I adopted Remy in the summer of 2006 it was for all the wrong reasons. The first of which was that I was having so much trouble with Max’s separation anxiety I decided to bring in another dog as a last ditch effort to get Max […]
Royal Canin And Vet Set Go Team Up To Make Dreams Come True!
Do you know a teen or tween that wants to become a veterinarian? What if they could attend a week-long camp at one of the most prestigious veterinary colleges in North America? If they are a junior high school student or entering junior high school this fall, this is the contest for them! Royal Canin […]
Lazy Dog Vs. Roomba – Cute Dog Video
Another video documenting the epic, never-ending battle between dog and vacuum. This time the battle is a little… lethargic.
Purina Will Donate $1 Per Post To The Canine Health Foundation!
This November, Purina wants to thank the four-legged friends who make our lives so special. In advance of Thanksgiving and the National Dog Show, Purina is inviting pet owners across the nation to show the world how they thank their pets. Post a picture to social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), showing how you thank your […]
Dog Files Latest Documentary, Second Chance Dogs, Now on Netflix!
We are excited to finally announce that our documentary, Second Chance Dogs, is now live on Netflix! Dog Files would like to give a big shout out to our ASPCA partners in this collaboration. It’s been a journey of many years and Dog Files couldn’t be more proud to showcase the great work the ASPCA […]
DANGER!!! Dog Restraints In Cars Fail Most Crash Tests!
While not always doing it, I think most responsible dog owners agree that it’s a good idea to use dog restraints to protect your pet in case of a car accident. Well, according to the Center for Pet Safety, a non-profit watchdog group, 25 of 29 products failed during crash tests. “Pet owners should be screaming about […]
Dog Files Media Announces Its Holiday Give Back!
Dog Files is known for their award-winning videos showing why dogs deserve our love, care and respect. Starting on Dec 14, 2015 they are making their talents available to small shelters, rescues and organizations promoting pet welfare throughout the USA. If your group needs a beautiful, professionally created video for your small shelter, rescue or […]