Dog Takes Baby From Crib

dogdragbabyThis story just blew me away. It’s such a vivid reminder that people with dogs and newborns have to acclimate your dogs to your new baby and to NEVER, EVER leave your infant alone with a dog.

The Dog FIles crew wish AJ a speedy recovery and we hope someone  in Kentucky, without children, will rescue Dakota.

— Kenn

LEXINGTON, Ky. – A father was frantically calling 911 to report his missing newborn when he spotted the baby, bleeding from the mouth and clutched in the jaws of a family dog who had carried him from his crib to the heavily wooded backyard.

Four-day-old Alexander James Smith was rushed to the emergency room at University of Kentucky Hospital in Lexington, where he was listed in critical condition Tuesday with two collapsed lungs, a skull fracture, broken ribs and various cuts and bruises.

His father, Michael Smith, said doctors were optimistic the boy would survive, but a day earlier they braced the family for the worst and had to use resuscitation paddles to get a heartbeat.

“They took us straight to a consulting room with a pastor and gave us pretty much what was the last visitation,” Smith said in an interview with The Associated Press from a hospital waiting room.

Smith said he and his wife, Chrissie, had just put Alexander James (or A.J.) in his crib Monday afternoon in their Nicholasville, Ky., home. Smith said he was preparing to leave for the store to buy various baby items, including a video monitor that he now believes could have prevented the entire ordeal.

“It’ll haunt me because that was my job,” he said. “It’s a nightmare.”

When Chrissie returned to the bedroom minutes later after going downstairs to look at the shopping list, one of the doors was ajar and both the baby and their Native American Indian dog — a breed that looks similar to a husky — were gone.

Michael Smith initially headed to the backyard, knowing that Dakota, a mixed breed with wolves in its ancestry, had a reputation for stealing household items like cups and wallets and depositing them there. He spent 10 minutes searching among the trees and bushes in the two-acre fenced yard before finding the dog and child in tall grass some 200 yards behind the house.

He grabbed his son and sprinted toward the house, handing him over to emergency workers who had just arrived.

“When you’re running through the backyard and you can’t find him, every worst fear comes through your head,” Smith said. “We had to try to stay positive, try and find him. My guess is five more minutes and he wouldn’t be here.”

Jessamine County chief deputy sheriff Allen Peel said no charges had been filed, but the case remains under investigation.

“It’s unreal,” Peel said.

Smith, who is the owner of a corporate security business where his wife also works, said the dog was treating the baby as a puppy and wasn’t being vicious. Still, he doesn’t want her back in the family home.

Dakota was taken into custody by animal control, and although Smith remains hopeful a good home can be found for her, he acknowledges the animal may have to be destroyed.

A call to Jessamine County animal control was not immediately returned.

The 4-year-old dog was one of three — including one from the same litter as Dakota — that the family had owned since they were puppies. None had any history of aggression, even when playing with Smith’s two other children from a previous marriage, he said.

“It wasn’t a vicious dog attack,” Smith said. “She had A.J. for 10 minutes on her own, and if you look at A.J.’s belly, there’s about 100 little marks. All the dog had to do was one bite and A.J. wouldn’t be here.”

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14 years ago

It's not that beautiful animal's fault. I truly hope someone adopts her so she won't be euthanized. I feel for the family but if the dog had a history of “taking” items from the house it was simply doing it on instinct and they should have kept a better watch.

14 years ago

OK – I do hope though, that the parents are also suspect. Part of this story just smells a bit odd. In fact, alot of it seems odd.

Dog Gifts
Dog Gifts
14 years ago

I hope the baby makes a full recovery; thank goodness the prognosis looks positive.
I think it's more complex than the dog taking items from the house – from the dog's perspective the arrival of a newborn causes confusion in the hierarchy of the pack. And just like humans, dogs can react badly to confusion and change.

gabrielle lauricella
gabrielle lauricella
14 years ago

This story makes me angry. The parents should have been keeping amore watchful eye on their newborn. As a parent and dog owner I can't see how this happened-a 4 day old baby is normally not let out of your sight. I wish I could take the dog, it's not its fault!!

14 years ago

Oh, that is tragic… I'm thankful that the child is going to be okay. It doesn't sound as if this is a mean spirited dog, it was just doing what it's inclined to do instinctively and dog owners need to understand their dog's breed and learn to adapt their family to their dog's natural behaviors and instincts. Although, it makes sense why the family would not want this dog back in their family, I do hope and pray that this dog can find a loving home to go to. And, it's also my prayer that this precious baby and it's family can fully heal and recover from this traumatic incident.

Sugar Bouche
14 years ago

If the dog was treating the baby as a puppy and wasn’t being vicious why the owner doesn’t want the dog back in the family home? I don't get it, to me this is just one big excuse, that's what usually happens to dogs when people are having babies, instead being more responsible lets just take the easy way out and give the dog away, maybe the dog was thinking that she was protecting the baby? they had the dog for 4 years, give it some credit. It makes no sense what so ever why the family would not want this dog back in their family, this dog was just fine with other family's children. It makes me angry that this dog is being punished and it might be destroyed and yes this precious baby and it's family will fully heal and recover from this traumatic incident. I think in this case the parents should be charge with negligence and stupidity.
Thank you.

12 years ago
Reply to  Sugar Bouche

Also,think about it….where did all those injuries come from with no punture or bite wounds from the dog???Fractured skull,puntured lungs and broken ribs?

14 years ago

Once a dog injures a human and animal control is involved, they have no choice but to give up the dog. They don't wait to see if it happens again.

14 years ago

Once a dog injures a human and animal control is involved, they have no choice but to give up the dog. They don't wait to see if it happens again.

12 years ago

How did the baby get all those injuries if the dog was treating him like a puppy???Come on now…skull fracture,broken ribs,puntured lungs,but no punture wounds from the dog!!!!

12 years ago

How did the baby get all those injuries if the dog was treating him like a puppy???Come on now…skull fracture,broken ribs,puntured lungs,but no punture wounds from the dog!!!!

12 years ago

Its stupidity to keep your infants with dogs especially larger breeds. Whatever you say,’Mans best friends’ are animals and you must not forget that they will have all their animal instincts when grown up. Some times they can’t resist them from doing some acts that would do if were in wild. So it’s your responsibility to understand the matter and behave cautiously. It is a dog with no aggressive behavioral history, so definitely no point in blaming them. 

12 years ago

This is tragic for all.  There are plenty of dogs who have to be adopted by people without children, which is usually noted at the shelter.  And help me out here: The baby was in a crib and I’m just assuming the sides were up.  How did the dog get over the sides and pick up the baby?   I send the family healing thoughts and hope they’re soon able to choose a new dog companion without fear.

12 years ago

I hate to say it but has anyone thought maybe the father was abusing the child and the dog was trying to keep it away from the father?? Who knows.. It just doesn’t sound right to me. There’s got to be more to this story than what we’re being told.

12 years ago

Yep fishy to me too, this guy’s story doesn’t add up. I agree with the abuse, someone’s abusing that poor baby, and it wasn’t that dog.

People who treat animals like this, will get theirs someday


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