Dog Wars, A New Videogame Google Android App, Glorifies Dog Fighting

Dog Wars Kane Games

The game creators site their first amendment rights. They say it’s just a game and they love animals. They talk about how you can pick up a million different shoot ’em up games and kill scores of people in them and that “Dog Wars” is no different.

But it is different and I’ll tell you why. Their Google/Android App is about abusing defenseless creatures that do what they are told or suffer the consequences. It is no different then creating a videogame about how to abuse children. And that is a game that NO ONE would stand for.

This game just teaches kids the in and outs of an abusive form of entertainment for sociopaths called dogfighting, a much more realistic aspiration for a child then running down a street with an uzi in a shoot ’em up game.

Instead of condoning animal abuse and stating your rights, wouldn’t it be nice if Kage Games thought less about profits and more about what is wrong and what is right?

— Kenn

The idea is so sickening it even has Michael Vick, the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback who went to prison for dog fighting, up in arms.

Dog Wars, a free videogame app from Android phones where players train a virtual Pit Bull to fight other dogs, earn virtual street cred and money in the process, has many dog lovers and humane organizations fighting mad.

Marketed by Kage Games, the game’s website encourages players to “Raise your Dog to Beat the Best! Feed, water, train and FIGHT your virtual dog against other player’s.“ Elsewhere it’s noted that players also get a “gun for police raids and can inject the dog with steroids.”

Among those voicing their concerns over this atrocity is Paul M. Weber, president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, who said he was very concerned the game would be embraced by local gang members and encourage them to engage in dog fighting.

“It’s sickening, absolutely sickening,“ Weber said. “They should take it down immediately. These animals are defenseless. It’s absolutely the wrong message to send to our children,” he said.

The Humane Society of the United States released a statement urging Android to drop Dog Wars from its applications and calling the game “a step backward.”

Michael Vick weighed in via the HSUS website saying, ““I’ve come to learn the hard way that dog fighting is a dead-end street. Now, I am on the right side of this issue, and I think it’s important to send the smart message to kids, and not glorify this form of animal cruelty, even in an Android app.”

So just how is Kage Games responding to all this negativity? They’ve defended the game, saying it’s all in good fun. “Just because something is illegal in real life in certain countries, does not mean it is illegal to make a song, movie, or video game about it,” their statement reads. The game’s website also deflects criticism, saying “If you have a bug up your b*tt about the game concept, remember: It is just A VIDEO GAME.”

The Android website goes even further in attempting to quell the public’s concerns by stating they “DO NOT CONDONE violence towards animals or humans“, and that they “are confident in humankind’s ability to distinguish between a rudimentary game and the consequences of real life.”

The website also states that a portion of the proceeds of the game will be donated to animal rescue organizations as well victims of the Japanese tsunami.

Story By Elaine Furst For Dog Files

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13 years ago

Couldn’t even read the whole article because it made me to angry.
While most of the world is working on stopping the “dog fighting/abuse” in our life, there are still people promoting it.
“Andriod” is going down on this one.
What’s even more ridiculous is they’re offering it for free.
Some peoples children………

Linda Wunders
Linda Wunders
13 years ago

So I guess we want another Michael Vick on our hands. Now we are teaching our kids step by step how to dog fight. Anything to sell a phone. Well the president or CEO or whoever is in charge is getting a phone call and I am contacting the press. This is to much. What next an app for sexual positions. Come on people get your head out our asses you make millions of dollers. Can’t we have something fun. So pissed of

Linda Wunders
Linda Wunders
13 years ago

So I guess we want another Michael Vick on our hands. Now we are teaching our kids step by step how to dog fight. Anything to sell a phone. Well the president or CEO or whoever is in charge is getting a phone call and I am contacting the press. This is to much. What next an app for sexual positions. Come on people get your head out our asses you make millions of dollers. Can’t we have something fun. So pissed of

13 years ago

It’s actually currently not showing up in the market but not because google took it out but only because the app developer removed it to update it from the beta version.

13 years ago

This issue is not something to play games with. Animal fighting is the scourge of the world and not aceptable in any form. Having animals fight in a game is sick. If you are not able to understand that, I wonder what you do understand.


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