Dispute Over Lost And Found Chihuahua May Turn Into A Legal "Dog Fight"


By Dawn Tongish for The 33 News

COLLEYVILLE, TX — Katherine Weaver was raised in a family where dogs were like part of the family. The Colleyville attorney says when her 9-year old chihuahua, “Mouse”, got loose from her home more than a year ago, she was devastated.

“It felt like a part was missing.”

Weaver says she tried everything to find the small dog. She put up posters around the neighborhood and even took out an ad on FidoFinder.com, offering a $1,000 reward. Months later, she still hoped for some word.

“You hear those what if stories.”

Then came the shock of her life, when 14 months later, through a set of circumstances that Weaver believes was divine intervention, she got word that Mouse may be living with a family in Grapevine, just two miles away.

She called the family and they agreed to let her see the dog.

“She jumped on my lap and kissed my face. I just knew it was my dog.”

But, the joy was short-lived. Weaver says the family so adores the dog that they refused to give her up. She even wrote a personal note and included the reward, $1,000 in cash.

Ironically, the two families have the same veterinarian who says he can’t positively identify the dog without a microchip. Weaver says Mouse did not have a chip.

Weaver, who is an attorney, says she can prove the dog is hers. She wants to reunite her canine clan and says she is ready to take the fight to court, if necessary. But, she is still hoping the family will reconsider.

I don’t want it to be that way.”

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