Abandoned Baby Girl Rescued by Dog Hero

Not only is a dog man’s best friend; this one is also a hero to a newborn baby girl. Roger Wilday was walking his german Shepherd, Jade, off leash through a park in Birmingham, England. It was cold, and the park was empty. Jade suddenly headed for the bushes and wouldn’t respond to her owner’s […]

Scientists Decode Secret Message Of Dog Tail Wags

Humans have been able to decipher messages about dogs wagging their tails… we see the fast wag, full-body wiggle as “I’m about to jump out of my skin, I’m so happy!” Then there’s the tucked tail – a tell-‘tail’ sign the dog knows he’s in trouble. Researchers from the University of Trento, Italy, noticed a […]

Devoted Dog Saves Hiker, Is Eaten In Return

A hiker stranded in the remote wilderness states he had no choice but to kill and eat his dog, even though the dog chased away a marauding bear earlier. The bear had ruined his canoe and food supply, leaving him stranded in the frigid Canadian climate. Marco Lavoie, 44, killed his German Shepherd with a […]

Pets Add Life Children’s Poetry Contest #PetsAddLife

Remember how a special pet comforted you as a child when you were scared? How your dog seemed to be one of the few creatures you could share all your childhood woes with? Do you recall your cat purring on your chest when you were sick? Life may have changed with advances in technology, but […]

Marine’s Rescued Dogs Denied Flights, Wrigley Heiress Charters Private Jet

SSgt. Andrew Morales rescued two puppies while deployed in Afghanistan in 2011 after their ears and tails had been docked to prepare the Anatolian Shepherds for a future in dog fighting. The dogs became his best friends during the tough deployment. Flown around the world, now stranded The fight Morales went through to be able […]

Jerky Treats Kill Nearly 600 Dogs, Cause Unknown

Federal health officials are urging caution with feeding pets jerky treats from China as the tally of dogs sickened has risen to more than 3,600 dogs with approximately 580 of those dying. Ten cats have also been affected. The cases have included dogs of all  breeds, ages and sizes. Mysterious cause Since the source of […]

Natural Balance Partners Up To Help Working Dogs

Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance recently teamed up with the Petco Foundation to raise money and awareness for Helping Heroes, which include Guide Dogs, Service Dogs, and Therapy Animals. Through this partnership, over the past five years, Petco stores have raised almost $5 million for service dog awareness and guide dog programs. Our canine companions have […]

New Jersey Man Beats His Dog In SPCA Parking Lot

Pietro Bottino, 68, was arrested and charged with animal cruelty after staff members of the area shelter witnessed the man punching his dog. Ironically, the abuse took place in the parking lot of New Jersey’s Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on October 12, 2013. Several staff members saw the man […]

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