My Adventure At BlogPaws 2012 In Pictures

What can I say about BlogPaws 2012 that you can’t see in the photos below? Well, how about the all the love everyone has for the pets? No, that’s quite apparent in the photos. How about how much everyone enjoys learning and giving to each other? No, you can see that too. How about the […]

How I Stopped Gwen the Destroyer From Chewing Her Dog Bed

Gwen The Destroyer With Family

In her spare time, when she’s not posing innocently for pictures, Gwen the Destroyer eats dog beds for breakfast. She may not look like much, but that little white dog is a tough one. And she is the inspiration for this story.. Once Upon a Time… I’ve owned dogs (or dogs have owned me?) all […]

Stunning Dog Photography #48 Featuring Max, The Dog Files Mascot

If you would like a chance to be spotlighted in a future Stunning Dog Photography Column, email your photos, that are at least 800 pixels wide right here! This is ONLY for incredible photographs, NOT snapshots. Please DO NOT send us photos that have watermarks. Make sure to provide us with your full name, town, […]

Dog Files Woof Links #2

Here are some links to great stories and/or opinion pieces that I believe deserves your time. Hope you like them! Kenn, Max & Remy. This is a great post about a Michael Vick dog being adopted 4 years later. It’s by John Garcia, who you might remember him from the TV show, Dogtown. Vicktory Dog […]

Susan Orlean Says, Give Rin Tin Tin's Oscar Back.

Susan Orlean, writer of Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend, believes that Rin Tin Tin was screwed out of his best actor oscar. While researching her incredible book about Rin Tin Tin, (the Dog Files highly recommends it), Susan learned that Rinty received the most votes at the very first Oscar ceremony, but […]

Most Popular Dog Names Of 2011

Max is Number 2, but Remy is nowhere to be found.

Petfinder has announced the most popular dog names from 2011. “Buddy” continues to dominant the doggy world for the fifth year in a row. The Twilight saga seems to have some influence over dog owners, as the name “Bella” appears high on the list. Dog Names 1. Buddy 2. Max 3. Daisy 4. Bella 5. […]

Merry Christmas From Max, Remy & The Dog Files!

Max & Remy wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for being a part of the Dog Files this past year! It’s truly an honor to spend my time evangelizing dogs and everything great about them. Kenn, Max & Remy wish you and your family (humans and doggies) a very, merry and safe Christmas. We can’t wait to see what 2012 […]

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