The Battle Rages Over Missouri's Already Voted And Passed Puppy Mill Cruelty Act

You know, all I ever hear from puppy mill advocates is how this law will hurt good breeders that already have modern facilities.

Has anyone every seen these “modern facilities”? All I ever see is dirty, disgusting puppy mills with sad, unhealthy dogs living in filth.

How about you? Have you ever seen these so called “good” puppy mills? And if they exist, why wouldn’t the puppy mill industry show them off to the country and then join with us to get rid of the bad puppy mills?

I’m afraid we all know the answer to that. Good puppy mills with modern facilities don’t exist. If they did, they wouldn’t care about this bill. Puppy mill breederd themselves have said that if they follow Prop B they will go out of business. So they’ve answered their own question.

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and “good” puppy mills. Three things we wish were real.

— Kenn

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13 years ago

This is a hookus bandaid law. Their are not enough people to find and shut down the existing puppy mills. A law like this in effect will just cause the bad puppy millers to go farther underground, building sound proof buildings the dogs are never let out of. It’s not going to put them out of business, just make them more invisible.

13 years ago

I dont see the point in arguing the law based on people who break the law. Prop B applies to both licensed and unlicensed breeders. Other laws DO NOT. This is a solid piece of legislation that is so simple, a child could understand it. Most people who comment have not even read it. I was at the capitol last week, and many of our legislators had not even read it. Shameful.
Prop B provides for dogs to have access to move around and exercise. It give them constant access to water. It provides for ONE vet visit per year. NO VETTING is required now. It makes stacking of dog cages illegal, where feces and urine pile onto dogs below. To disagree with these things makes you inhumane. Prop B requires no more time or burden on inspectors. It simply cleans up old vague laws. In fact, now a sheriff can take action, versus the old system of going through a long and bureacratic process of filing a complaint via the USDA.
Mike Parsons out of Bolivar MO is heading up this effort to retain MO’s reigning title of the Puppy Mill Captial of the United States. I hope Mr. Parsons knows the entire country is watching watch Missouri is going to do to this bill.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jillebrown65

It doesn’t seem to matter what the best law is, if you get a traitor elected to the senate who has a personal and monetary interest in the results.

Missouri should fine him for his activity and throw him out of the senate, and his co-conspirators as well.

Kathgo Chapman
Kathgo Chapman
13 years ago

I sure hope it passes.No animals should have to live that way. The amount of dogs being produced is absolutely out of control. It has to stop! At least this is a start..

Cynthia Weil
Cynthia Weil
13 years ago

where do the shitzu puppies from puppycity come from. there is an ad on this page for them…”brooklyn”// ????

Kenn Bell
13 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia Weil

I apologize for the “selling puppy” ads. They are automated Google ads that key in on the post title. I’m still trying to figure out how to not get them but still keep other Google ads. Very frustrating.

Cynthia Weil
Cynthia Weil
13 years ago

missing paw…an example of neglect?

13 years ago

They are spreading lies about what Prop. B stood for. They should concentrate on the lies they are guilty of and how to explain them to the ethics commission.

What a lowlife to be in the Senate.


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