Natural Balance Gives Nearly 30 Tons Of Food To Shelter Pets

OBOL 3Two animal rescues were blessed with the gift of high-quality pet food as social media channels partnered with Natural Balance in a donation campaign to “Feed the Need.” For every “like” Natural Balance received on their Facebook page from May 31st through June 30th, 2013, a pound of food was donated to two Los Angeles area pet rescue nonprofits.

By the end of the campaign, 17,920 pounds of food was donated to I.C.A.R.E. and 40,000 pounds was donated to Operation Blankets of Love, totaling 57,920 pounds of Natural Balance dog and cat food that helped thousands of pets in need.

Feed the Need was an innovative campaign that raised awareness of animal welfare through social media. The two charities were selected due to outstanding service to animals in need.

I.C.A.R.E. (Into Canine Adoption, Rehabilitation and Education) is a non-profit, no kill dog rescue. They save dogs at risk of being euthanized from shelters, as well as abandoned, abused, and stray dogs.  They are a 100% volunteer run and supported organization that cannot survive without the help of loving fosters, volunteers, and benefactors. Check out their site to adopt a pet or find out how you can further support this worthy mission.

The second pet rescue, Operation Blankets of Love, offers another service to make shelter dogs more comfortable and more likely to be adopted. Watch this video that explains how a pet adoption inspired a simple yet effective campaign to help needy dogs.

It is heartwarming to see various pet supporters and companies work together to help pets in need. We hope this message will inspire more innovative ways to help needy animals everywhere.

Dog Files is a part of the Natural Balance Insider Program. As always, the Dog Files only shares news for things we support.

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