Would You Give Your Dog CPR?

By Lindsay Barnett for the Los Angeles Times PhotoCredit: Myung J. Chun Study shows most pet owners would attempt CPR on their dog or cat. But what about other emergency preparedness? Although most pet owners say they’d attempt doggie- or kitty-CPR to save an animal in danger, many are unprepared to deal with a wide […]

Using A Choke Collar Correctly… But ONLY If You Have To.

I battled whether or not to show this video. I mean, I don’t believe in choke collars. In fact, I know of no one in the dog community that likes them. But, they still sell them at pet stores and I see new dog owners buying them every day. So let me make one thing […]

Do You Jog With Your Dog? You Should.

By Mary Brophy Marcus For USA TODAY. Photo By Felix Ordonez. There’s no better company on a jog than your dog. Dogs are always game for a frolic in the great outdoors and aren’t likely to complain about their bad back or sore tendons. There are other perks, too. If yours is a big dog, […]

Dog Files Fact: Weimaraner

Photo by Craig Koshyk Weimaraners were first bred by the court of Weimer in Germany during the early 19th century. While the dog’s earliest origins are something of a mystery, the historical record and various theorists have tried to fill in some of the holes. Some believe the Weimaraner is the result of albinism in […]

Do You Know What Your Dog is Thinking?

Thanks to Dog Files Fan, Shelley McMickell for the picture! By Dr. Eric Barchas, DVM For Dogster.com It is human instinct to attempt analysis of our pets’ thoughts. Many people truly believe that they have their dog figured out. But are our antrhopomorphic assessments of canine behavior accurate? My years as a vet have caused […]

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