Dog Abusing North Carolina State Trooper Rehired With Back Pay

This story makes me sick to my stomach. Just watch the video at end of the post showing what he did and you will agree the governor did the right thing by firing him. I just hope this state trooper has no dogs at home.

If this is the kind of abuse that North Carolina State Police use with their K9’s then the program needs to be shut down till more, empathetic training methods can be instituted.

I spent a week at Fort Meade in Maryland with the K9 unit and never saw one tiny instance of their dogs being disciplined in an abusing manner. If the Army can be so exemplary in their treatment, than so can the North Carolina State Troopers.

— Kenn

RALEIGH — A widely distributed video of a state Highway Patrol trooper kicking his narcotics-sniffing dog brought an outpouring of sympathy for the Belgian Malinois that stumbled to the ground in the 2007 incident.

On Tuesday, the state Court of Appeals offered support for Charles Jones, the trooper fired amid the emotional fallout from the images.

In an opinion affirming findings by a Superior Court judge, a state personnel commission and an administrative law judge, a three-judge appeals court panel ruled that Jones should get his job back with the state Highway Patrol and receive back pay for four years and five months, an amount of more than $200,000.

Jones, currently an officer with the Apex police department, could not be reached for comment.

The state could seek a review of the ruling from the state Supreme Court.

Jack O’Hale, the Smithfield attorney representing Jones, said Tuesday that he hoped the state’s fight against his client would stop.

“Everybody tells me the state is broke, and yet they keep spending taxpayers’ money to fight this,” O’Hale said.

Jones, fired when Mike Easley was governor, has maintained that he was acting within patrol policy when he was videotaped kicking the dog, Ricoh.

Jones, who went to work for the state Highway Patrol in 1994, was at a training session on Aug. 8, 2007, with Ricoh, his canine partner since May 2001. Jones was videotaped disciplining the dog after it refused to release a piece of fire hose given as a reward for alerting officers to the presence of narcotics.

Jones directed the dog to the ground and strung its lead over the railing of a loading dock. The trooper then raised the dog so only its hind legs touched the ground. Jones jumped off the loading dock and kicked Ricoh five times, causing the dog’s legs to swing out from underneath it.

A public furor ensued when the video was posted on the Internet.

The incident happened around the same time that NFL quarterback Michael Vick was in trouble for his role in a dog-fighting ring and other state troopers were battling misconduct charges.

Easley, according to court documents, decided Jones should be dismissed from the patrol. He was fired Sept. 9, 2007.

Jones appealed the decision. In 2007, an employee advisory commission recommended reinstatement. An administrative law judge came to the same conclusion in June 2008. The state Personnel Commission followed suit in October 2008, and in January 2010, a state Superior Court judge entered the same finding.

The three-judge Court of Appeals panel noted in its ruling released Tuesday that pressure from the governor’s office played a role in the firing. Jones’ former supervisor, Lt. Col. Cecil Lockley, said “they want him gone,” referring to the governor’s office.

Trooper James R. Pickard III testified that dog handlers in the patrol were taught to “use any means necessary to discipline” a dog to stay in control.

“If he’s not in control, let’s be honest,” Pickard testified. “The dog turns into a four-wheel-drive stabbing machine.”

The ruling brought a response from the Southern States Police Benevolent Association and its state division, the N.C. Police Benevolent Association.

“The state has wasted an enormous amount of time and taxpayers’ money in fighting a case based on perceptions and personal feelings rather than facts and realities rooted in the rule of law,” John Midgette, executive director of the N.C. Police Benevolent Association, said in a prepared response.

“Our members had never before imagined that our state leaders, including our former governor, would so blatantly disregard their fiduciary and lawful duties in judging the actions of our law enforcement officers.”

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12 years ago

This is so disgusting! I’m sitting here in my home crying. How can this happen? That guy deserves to be locked up not just fired. Really really sickening.

12 years ago

This is disgusting ! and then the “pig” is allowed to have his job back really? and everyone wonders why the world is going to shit – because we allow this bullshit to go on… if he does this to his partner – what else does he do? abuse his wife and kids?
To serve and protect – bullshit..

12 years ago

disgusting I am glad he lost his job but please tell me this guy is’nt getting back pay he should be paying a huge fine and doing community work some police officer A_ _ hole!

12 years ago

I owned a trained K9 for 11yrs! Never was it nessary to abuse her to stay in control. Just because the dog is highly trained does not mean they are different and need hard corrections. They actually are much easyer to live with. I traveled all over the country with her, tattooed at motorcycle swap meets and bike shows. Nobody even knew she was trained the way she was! Big guys could hug me, she would be surrounded by people, kids could pet her, a pleasure to be in public with. But if I needed her she was a very hard hitter and she saved me more then once. This cop should stay fired and he needs counciling!

12 years ago

This makes me sick!  I’ve worked with K-9 officers as a police officer and NEVER saw those dogs abused.  NEVER.  This guy should be tied to a railing and kicked…If the armed forces can train their dogs without abuse, so can the NC patrol.  This guy should never, ever be allowed near dogs again.  Plus, he should be prosecuted for animal cruelty.

12 years ago

Your a coward pig hiding behind a badge and a group of fellow crooked pigs, come up to idaho and try that bullshit with me tough guy, your a discrace to self control, being an officer you should treat that animal officer as your brother, you scum bag.

12 years ago

It’s pretty sad when a man in a position of authority can get away with abuse because “it is within protocol” and have the courts stand behind him.  Mr. Jones (you don’t deserve the respectful title of Officer) may you burn in hell.

Teri, Brighton, Coco and Disco

The video actually made me ill, I had to go into the bathroom and vomit. I would fear for my life if I ever met this ‘law enforcement officer.

12 years ago

This is so sick and sad to watch.  You can do a lot of internal damage to a dog by kicking it.  That dog probably would have risked his life to protect that guy.  What a shame.

12 years ago

That is not discipline. It is animal abuse.  Dogs will not follow an unbalanced leader; and this trooper is about as unbalanced as they come.  It is a shame that he will most likely get his job back and even worse that this treatment of the dog is considered “within protocol”.

12 years ago

Who videoed this???!! The man should not be allowed near any dog as far as I’m concerned. No amount of abuse or discipline, as he calls it, should be given to train a dog. Loving & kindness to a dog & they will do anything for you. Evidently no one there likes dogs. Can’t make me believe it if they do.

Kenn Bell
12 years ago
Reply to  Teresa

Supposedly a fellow Trooper videotaped it from his car because he wanted to report him and needed proof.

12 years ago

I cannot watch this video. I want to know only this, WHAT CAN WE DO!!! This is unacceptable, and why would any taxpayer in this district want to support such a hideous example of a person. If this is within PROTOCOL, than that damn protocol needs to be changed immediately. Why do we condone abuse of children and animals like this. I am sickened to my very core by even the description. And all this because he would not release his toy?!? And people are complaining about Cesar Milan … his methods are tender compared to this. Disgusting. And he gets back pay, these judges should be ASHAMED of themselves.

12 years ago

This video clip made me speechless.. How can anybody in their right mind do this to an innocent animal who is trained to protect our nation be treated like this. These dogs in the first place did not choose to have this life… They could have been a normal dog that gets to go to the dog parks and have kids showering them with love.. But no..and for this to happen to this innocent dog… Are you kidding me!… Cops are their to “protect”.. Yea right.. This clearly shows that if he is capable of treating an innocent animal like this how is he treating the criminals he catches.. Or! His own family… He beats his wife and kids.. I wouldnt be surprised.. People who abuse animals would and will abuse their wife and kids.
This is just disgusting.. Justice better be served or this will prove to us what kind of nation we live in.

12 years ago

If a member of the public was filmed treating an animal this way, there would be criminal charges and possibly jail time and never be permitted to own an animal again. Why the special treatment for this person(I’m using the term loosely).

12 years ago

I am a north carolina native and am appalled they overturned his firing. WTH is wrong with this society…..I just dont get it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Kat Dilts
Kat Dilts
12 years ago

Abusers are  losers! Please don’t let this loser be a role model for our children. Fire him and strip him of his power and pay. Make him an example! An example of what NOT to be…

Richie Schwartz
12 years ago

Any lawyers out there… can the decision of the Court of Appeals be appealed by the state? Supreme Court?? The public needs to speak up.

Claudia Mh Culmone
12 years ago

If that is the policy in North Carolina, then the K9 program needs to be entirely shut down and those dogs moved to another state where they will be treated more humanely.  I would not only go after that officer but after his trainer or the persons responsible for encouraging these officers to use whatever discipline they deem necessary as well as any officer who abuses a dog.

12 years ago

I wanted to throw up watching this video.  Are they kidding??????!!!!!!!!  I have lots to say but nothing that’s politically correct.  All I gotta say is that N.C. isn’t trying to live down it’s reputation of being ignorant.


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