Westminster Dog Show Cuts Ties With Pedigree's Sad Dog Commercials

Is the “sad dog” example just an excuse to break ties with a company that promotes “adoption” over “buying”? You decide, but I ask you this. If everyone adopted instead of buying would dog shows like this be a thing of the past? — Kenn Prancing purebreds and pound puppies do not mix, or at […]

Rescue Vs. Purebred: Can You Have It Both Ways?

The Dog Files is excited to have our first guest editorial today. We’d like to thank Dale H. Roberts of Missouri for taking the time to write about something that has been on a lot of our minds recently. If you have something you’d like to get off your chest and think you have what it […]

In Defense Of Mixed Breeds…

I recently came across a great opinion piece by Jane Porricelli, co-founder of Mom Generations. It’s about the most popular dog list that the AKC put out every year. Specifically, about how superficial the list is by only caring about breed and looks. I agree with her completely, but would like to add a slightly […]

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