Naki'o The Bionic Dog Pawsitive Spokesdog For DisABLED Pets

Naki’o’s life started out with very little hope. He and his litter mates were found in the cellar of an abandoned home in the middle of a harsh Nebraska winter. Their mother hadn’t survived. Naki’o was stuck, frozen into a puddle. Due to the frostbite, Naki’o lost all of his toes, the tip of his […]

World's First Dog With Four Prosthetic Paws

Bionic Dog

Talk about the Six Million Dollar Man! Naki’o is the world’s first dog to be fitted with a complete set of four prosthetic paws. Naki’o was barely 5 weeks old when he and his siblings were abandoned by a family fleeing their foreclosed Nebraska home. Having barely survived the Nebraskan winter, all four of Naki’o’s […]

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