Got A Portly Pup?

If you like The Dog Files please join our Facebook Fan Page at Also, follow us on Twitter at By Jane Geelan-Sayres for NBC DFW Just like people, obesity can also be a problem for pets, veterinarians say. Veterinarians at Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences agree obesity in […]

Dog Owners Get More Exercise Than Gym-Goers

From According to researchers, walking the pet gives the average dog owner far more exercise than someone with a gym membership, as exercising the pet twice a day for 24-minutes each time totals to 5-hours and 38-minutes per week. And, by taking the dog out for 3-long walks each week adds another 2-hours and […]

How Good Is The Food Your Dog Is Getting?

By Mark Syme Your Dog deserves the best food and today more than ever before dog health food is becoming a vital part of keeping your pet healthy. We’ve all seen the news report about contaminated batches of dog food causing sickness and even death. I know I always wonder where the next batch is […]

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