Museum Exhibit Shows Importance Of Dogs In Ancient Egyptian’s Lives

A fascinating exhibit of extraordinary artifacts of mummified animals, “Soulful Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt” is on display at the Bowers Museum, located in Santa Ana, California. Many species are on display including the beloved dog. Ancient Egyptians, including Kings so adored their dogs that many of were laid to rest eternally with them. […]

The Dog Star's Return Means The End Of The “Dog Days” Of Summer

Sirius Dog Star

The so-called “Dog Days” of summer in the Northern Hemisphere officially came to an end this week when Sirius, the bright Dog Star, returned to the night sky. Everyone talks about “Dog Days,” but few may know what the expression actually means. Some might suggest it signifies hot, sultry days “not fit for a dog.” […]

Dog Files Fact: Saluki

The Saluki is a Sighthound that originates from the Middle East. It is one of the oldest breed of dogs and is depicted in carvings of early civilizations such as that of “Sumerian Empire” of Mesopotamia dating back to 7000 BC. It’s names originates from Saluq, an ancient city in Arabia. It is a dog […]

Dog Files Fact: Basenji

The Basenji, the famous bark-less dog, comes from Africa and is a sight hound. This dog is also known as a Zande dog, Congo dog or Congo terrier. The Basenji was bred to drive game up trees. They were also used to also chase prey such as small antelopes into hunting nets or out into […]

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